Tuesday, April 2, 2013

Four Years Later...!

It's been four years since my last post and I wanted to write something deep and meaningful to reintroduce myself to the online community... But I know myself better than that. It would take me a week to create that post to the standards I would like, so let's just pretend that I did and jump right in. Otherwise, there will never be another post in Super Seoulful... Blerg.

Let me catch you up on my life:
- lived in Seoul until August 2010
- got my CELTA in Vietnam in September 2010
- traveled SE Asia until February 2011
- went home and saw friends and family for a bit
- hiked 500 miles across Spain, via El Camino de Santiago, and then backpacked around Spain and Portugal from April to June 2011
- moved to the UAE in September 2011
- and that is where I am now (April 2013)

Things that are the same:
- confused about life! (Right now, it's "should I be fiscally responsible and stay in the UAE"? Or "should I forget about my savings and move to Africa for a few years"?)
- confused about my career (I am trying to find a job where I can teach and be involved in education, AND be expected to travel, until I don't want to anymore AND make a good salary. At the moment, I haven't worked anywhere for more than a year or two. Now that I am closer to 30-years-old than 20, I'm beginning to think about how that looks on my resume.)
- missing home (I think people back home forget how much I love and miss them, since I am the one choosing to stay away. I just hope that I can see as much of the world as I need to before everyone starts having babies, since they're all pretty much married by now!)

Things that are different:
- I'm getting to know myself and how I operate (took me 27 years)
- I'm getting more focused on the future and my goals than I've ever been (although this has partly contributed to the aforementioned crises)
- I'm going back to school to get my Master in Education degree (more to come on this)
- I'm trying to become more internet saavy and use the internet - something that I previously felt created a huge distance between people and how they interact - to actually create connections with people so that we can help each other figure out life, reach our goals, and all that stuff that everyone wants to do.

I hope this works.

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