Sort of. This gate is closed at 9:30am so there was no one there to greet us. Or let us in.

This is the Lotte World mascot. Remind you of any other animal with whiskers that wears a tuxedo and a top hat? (Yeah, I mean Mickey.)

Lotte World is also trying to copy Rome with a Trevi-esque fountain outside of the ticket office. I like the sales racks and piles of clothing in the foreground of this picture...

This is the ticket office. We got there at about 9:00 or 9:30 in order to ensure that we could ride all of the rides before students got out of school. (This is on a Saturday, mind you. Poor Korean kids.) Anywho, the outdoor offices were closed, so we had to go down into the basement of the Lotte Department Store/ Jamsil Subway area to the open ticket window. I think we got 10% off because we are foreigners, so it was about 30,000 won to get the all access pass. With certain credit cards you can get up to 50% off, I think, but we didn't have any of those.

The problem with getting there so early was that a lot of the rides were closed. This lag in open rides allowed us to browse the carts that are all over the park and ride some of the smaller rides that were still enjoyable, like Bumper Cars (which of course we took to the extreme) and the the Gyro Drop (pictured below). The Gyro Swing (not pictured), my favorite ride, was open this early, though, so if you are thinking of going, I still say go early.

They also had a good selection of arcade games to play, which we all enjoyed because we are very competitive. Phil kicked this basketball game's butt and won 3 little teddy bears as a result. Haha.
While we were waiting in line, there was this guy dancing next to the line. He was dancing for about 30 minutes! Phil was saying a lot of funny things, but I don't think you can hear that. But check out this guy's moves...
Lotte World also offers shows. This was a Halloween themed song and dance type show. It was okay, but it seemed like the dancers weren't very in sync. There was some breakdancing, too. Of course. Koreans love breakdancing.
The Gyro Drop!
There are also a lot of photo ops around Lotte World. Very entertaining when you are waiting for rides to open. Or people to come out of the bathroom.

All in all, Lotte World was pretty fun. We ended up staying until about 6pm. An added bonus is that you are allowed to leave the park and come in again, so we were able to eat lunch outside of the park, which theoretically should have been cheaper (but we went to TGIFridays and spent about as much on lunch as we did on the ticket to the park). And, like most places in Korea, you can drink beer there. Many of the food/drink stands had water, soda and beer to sell. It's no Disney World, but it's pretty close!!